

Thoroughbred Floats has come from my struggles to purchase a new float and my challenges in finding something safe and reliable without having to mortgage my house!
So, I started looking around at every brand available in Australia, and what I found shocked me! There are floats on the market I wouldn't put my precious cargo on.
I fully support Australian-made products, but the costs of horse floats can be expensive. To ask my non-horsey husband to get on board with me to spend a considerable amount of money was unreasonable.
Then I thought, "I can do better." I found a manufacturer that didn't cut corners, was completely transparent, and understood my concerns about floats coming into the Australian market that are not built for our harsh conditions.
I spent over six months going back and forth with the manufacturer and reviewing the most minor details.
Thoroughbred Floats comes with safety inclusions that other brands call "Optional Extras" - I call these "Requirements"! Our precious cargo needs the best.
Thoroughbred Floats is based in Geham, Queensland, just outside Toowoomba.​​
Robust Design
Quality engineered to exceed Australian Standard requirements. Thoroughbred Floats are designed to withstand harsh Australian conditions.
Exceeding Safety
Our floats have safety features as standard that our competitors consider added extras.
Safety camera's with viewing screen.
2 x Spare tyres
Extra Lighting
4 wheel electric brakes
Break away safety unit
Customisation available
All floats can be made to order, with full customisation. If you can dream it we can make it happen
Warranty you can count on
2 year on chassis
2 year on body and frame
2 year on roof
2 year on suspension